Sellers solve problems (Here's how)

Last week I wrote an article about a framework for problem-solving called the 5W1H method and the week prior I wrote about color psychology. (if you haven’t - you might want to read those first)

This week we’ll review how to combine both concepts to create a super compelling visual problem-solving framework.

One that gets buyers ready to pull out their wallets and buy your product or service.

The big problem is that most sellers don’t have a systematic way of going about breaking down a problem.

And to make matters worse, they overcomplicate their messaging and end up confusing buyers.

And we all know the saying…

“A confused mind always says no”.

So let’s change that.

Let’s start with the finished image and then walk thru each step of the framework.

Step 1: What

The first step is to list the main problem or the “What” in the middle of the page.

It’s the focal point to which everything else will relate so put it into some type of container. (box, cloud, etc.)

Either draw or write out the “problem” inside the container.

If you remember from the color psychology article - use the color “red”

Step 2: Who

Next, draw an arrow to the right and draw or list out “Who” is impacted?

And how are they impacted?

Again take note of the colors used.

Step 3: Where

Next, draw an arrow down and list or draw “Where” is the problem happening?

Step 4: When

Next, draw another arrow from the center and answer “When” is the problem occurring and how often?

This is a great place to quantify the impact of the problem.

Step 5: Why

Draw an arrow to the left and answer the “Why” or root cause of why this problem is happening?

Step 6: How

Finally, draw an arrow pointing up and answer the question of “How” your product or service can solve the 5W’s.

Now I intentionally left details of the actual problem out on purpose.


To prove to you how compelling visual problem solving can be.

I’m willing to bet that you can look at the image above and answer every single question about it.

Without me saying a word.

Now imagine how compelling this is when doing this live with a buyer. (either on a whiteboard or iPad if remote)

Or if you’re too nervous to do it live…

Go through this framework after the fact.

If you can answer all of the questions, send it as a follow-up to your meeting.

If you can’t answer all of the questions…you still have work to do.

The more you work thru problems using this framework - the easier it will be to:

  • Understand customer problems from every angle

  • Visualize and share the impact the problem is having

  • Clearly communicate the problem and how they might solve it

  • Win more deals

Give it a try and let me know how it goes or if you have any questions.

See ya next week.

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