✌️ The Unbelievably "Weird" Strategy That Led To Closing My First 6-Figure Deal

This week I’m going to share one of the most unbelievably “weird” strategies that led to closing my first 6-figure deal.

I still think back on it today and think “How the hell did that work?”

But…it did.

…And I’ve used this “weird” strategy in every single deal since.

Now I’m going to warn you - this strategy is really out there. (like way out there)

And I’m willing to bet that 98% of you will never try it because of how unconventional it is.

However, I promise that the 2% that do - will be absolutely shocked at how well it works.

First, let me set the stage:

I had my eyes set on breaking into a whale of a target in my territory.

It was one of those logos that would make your year.

The problem was they wouldn’t give any seller from my company the time of day.

And we tried everything (well…almost everything)

  • Calls, emails, social, direct mailers

  • Sending personalized gifts

  • Offering FREE Super Bowl Tickets

  • Had our Execs reach out to theirs…

You name it and we probably tried it.


We couldn’t even get a response.

After months and months of trying everything to no avail - I was on the verge of giving up.

I was tired.

I was frustrated.

I felt like I was fighting a losing battle.

And then it happened.

An idea popped into my head that was so outlandish, so over-the-top, so unbelievably “weird” - that I thought to myself…

“If this doesn’t get their attention, I don’t know what will”

So I decided to give it a try.

I mean…what did I have to lose anyways?

And guess what happened next?

Yup - it got their attention alright.

It landed a meeting.

That turned into an opportunity.

That then turned into a multiple 6-figure deal.

It completely changed the trajectory of my career.

When I told my executives and colleagues how I got their attention - literally no one believed me.

They all thought I was joking.

It wasn’t until I showed them proof of what I did - that their jaws hit the floor.

Because it’s so out there, yet works so well, I’ve since documented the entire Step-by-Step process - (and didn’t spare any details).

If you want to check it out - and give it a try for yourself - you can get a FREE copy by clicking the image below.

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