✌️ STOP Losing ‘Winnable’ Deals - STEAL This Template

This week, I’m going to review and share an easy-to-use deal strategy framework that will help you find blind spots, build strategy, and STOP losing winnable deals.

This is the exact framework our team has used to hit plan every single year for the past 10 years.

The best reps I know are ruthless qualifiers AND masters of deal strategy.

Unfortunately, most reps struggle with qualification and think of it as a ‘step’ in their process vs. a framework that can guide their overall deal strategy.

So let’s change that.

In today’s article you’ll get:

  1. A walk-thru of a simple deal strategy framework

  2. FREE template download you can use on your very next deal

Let’s go.

I Feel The Need For Speed

The framework is called SPEED3D which stands for:

S - Sponsor

P - Pain

E - Eliminate Competition

E - Economic Buyer

D - Differentiators

D - Decision Critieria

D - Decision Process

Let’s walk thru each in more detail


Do we have a Champion?

Are we texting? (huge correlation to win-rates)

Are they providing access to others in the buying committee?

Do they have insider information that they’re sharing?

Do they actually have influence on the decision?

(The last 2 are new adds after going thru Nate Nasralla’s Buyer Enablement Crash Course. If you haven’t taken it - do it now.)


What pains/problems are we solving for and are any quantified?

Eliminate Competition

Do you know the competition? Have any been eliminated?

Economic Buyer

Do you know the EB? Do you have access? Have they been intro’d to an exec on your end?


What are the ‘unique’ differentiators of the deal (unique to your company or solution - that no one else can do)? Does the customer agree?

Decision Process

Do you know the entire buying committee? Do you know their roles within the deal? Have you peered them with the right people on your side?

Do you know the approval & legal process?

Has there been a signature date agreed to?

Now it’s important to note… this is not a one-and-done exercise.

This is a ‘lens’ through which to continuously evaluate your deal, understand the gaps, and help you strategize on how you can fill them.


Take a recent deal that you have and fill out a SPEED3D for it.

The template will change colors based on your inputs to easily call out where you have risk in your deal.

I promise it will shine a light on some glaring blind spots you didn’t even realize you had.

Find the gaps.

Close them.


P.S. It’s my Dad’s 70th birthday today. He’s the man and one of my biggest supporters. I know you’ll be reading - so Happy Birthday, I love you and I’ll see you later today!

P.S.S. Happy Easter to anyone who celebrates!

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