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  • ✌️ Never Run Out Of Great Subject Lines Again - Here’s Your Guide To Endless Ideas

✌️ Never Run Out Of Great Subject Lines Again - Here’s Your Guide To Endless Ideas

This week, I’m going to teach you a simple, yet powerful concept to have an endless supply of email subject line ideas. 

First off, I didn’t create this, I stole & modified this idea for emails from the one and only Justin Welsh. If you’re not following him, you should. The dude’s a stud.

A recent study showed that 47% of readers will open emails on the subject line alone.

Yet most struggle to come up with ideas and use the same ones over and over again.


“Quick question”



I’m not saying these can’t work.

I’m saying you should vary your approach.

Here’s what you’ll learn this week:

  • How to use a simple idea matrix to come up with an endless supply of compelling subject lines and value-based messaging.

  • Access to a FREE idea matrix template download

The Subject-Line Matrix (SLM)

Let's break down what the SLM is and how to use it.

The matrix consists of rows and columns.

The Rows = A list of all your ideal buyer’s challenges (you'll change to fit your buyer)

The Columns = Different writing styles

Let’s review the different writing styles:

Actionable - A step-by-step or how-to-guide (like this article)

Analytical - Data, research studies, numbers

Contrarian - A contrary view on the problem

Observation - Something you’ve observed about the problem

X vs. Y - Past v. Present or Problem v. Problem

Listicle - A list (could be resources, tips, etc.)

So how do you use it?

Step 1:

List as many of your ideal buyer’s challenges in the rows

Step 2:

Match a buyer problem with a writing style

Step 3:

Write your subject line.

That's it.

Ideally, you’ll mix and match different problems you solve & writing styles over the course of your outreach cadence.

However, here's an example using "Talent shortage".

Actionable - 4-steps to win the war for talent

Analytical - 85M unfilled jobs…

Contrarian - The talent shortage isn’t really a problem

Observation - Talent shortages have hit a 10-year high

X vs. Y - WFM v. RTO - who's winning?

Listicle - Top 5 most in-demand roles

*This is a "duh', but just in case - your email content must relate back to your subject line.

Using this approach will allow you to stand out from the sea of sellers that only have a "quick question".

It will also improve your creativity, and allow you to come up with different outreach angles and ideas.

As an example, how many times has your standard email outreach sequence finished up with no reply, so you resort to "bubbling this back up" or moving on to the next prospect?

Say goodbye to that problem. 👋

You'll now have an almost endless supply of curiosity-inducing subject lines and content ideas.

That’s all for this week. Hope it was helpful and thanks for reading.

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