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  • ✌️ The Art of Substitution: How to Simplify Your Vocabulary to Get 68% More Replies

✌️ The Art of Substitution: How to Simplify Your Vocabulary to Get 68% More Replies

In this week's issue, we’re going to talk about the art of substitution and how to simplify your vocabulary.

As a sales professional - email is used a lot during the whole sales cycle.

The problem that most reps have is that they try to sound 'intelligent' by using big, fancy words...

They think it makes them sound more “professional” - when in reality it just makes their emails harder to read. 

If your emails are harder to read - it means your reader is less likely to understand - which means they're even less likely to respond.

Not good.

The good news - there's a simple fix.


Pretend you’re writing an email to Michael Scott.

*Don't forget to stay til the end to see who won last week's "button" game.

You probably think I’m joking, but I’m dead serious.

By simplifying the words you use - you make your email easier to:

  • Read

  • Understand

  • & Take action on

Oh and emails written at a 3rd-5th grade level get 68% more replies source: Lavender.ai.

So stop writing about the synergies of your value-added and proactive strategies used to enable a paradigm shift that increases efficiencies and streamlines operations.


Write about how there may be a fit to make the hard - easy. (see what I did there)

Much of this is just substituting words with multiple syllables for ones with less.

Pretty easy.

So here are a few sub ideas to "Michael Scottify" your message:

Say This, Not That

Hypothesis --> Idea

Intelligent --> Smart

Visibility --> See

Leverage --> Use

Flexibility --> Change

Establish --> Start

Implementation --> Set-up

Optimize --> Make it better

Demonstrate --> Show

Strategy --> Plan

Embark --> Start

Accomplish --> Do

Observation --> Saw

Accompany --> Go With

Advise --> Tell

Ascertain --> Find out

Approximate --> About

Attempt --> Try

Concerning --> About

Determine --> Find

Numerous --> A lot

In Lieu of --> Instead

Perform --> Do

Subsequent --> Next

Utilize --> Use

Witnessed --> Saw

There you have it folks.

Start auditing your own emails.

Are you trying to sound 'intelligent'?

If so, try to sound 'smart' instead. 😉

If you want even more tactical email tips join me next Tuesday 2/21/23 at 12:30edt where I'll go over the "6 Biggest Things Killing Your Sales Emails (And Tips To Bring Them Back To Life)

The Button Game...No Winners This Week

Thanks to everyone who played along last week.

The final number of clicks was 21.

Bad news - No one guessed it right. (closest guess was Navya Donkena 20!)

Good news - the pot doubled.

For any new readers - playing is simple. Reply to this email with how many times you think the button will be clicked.

Guess right, win the prize pot.

No one guesses right - it doubles for next week.

If you liked this article, share it with a friend. (check out others here.) ✌️