You Failed

In this week’s issue, I’m going to share a simple 1-page Client Scorecard you can use if you manage customers.

By knowing where you stand and having a plan to course-correct issues, you’ll be in a much better spot come renewal or upsell time.

Unfortunately, most reps don’t have a standard process in place and instead, take the role of firefighter and wonder why their customers are upset with a renewal increase.

So let’s change that and break down the components of The 1-page Client Scorecard and how to use it.

The 3 Main Areas

First, the scorecard is broken down into 3 main areas.

  • Business Impact

  • Team Performance

  • Platform Maximization

Within each area, there are 3 sub-areas.

The next column is the “Demonstrated Actions”

This lists the description of each sub-area.

The next 2 columns are where your client can rate your performance on a scale of 1-5 and include comments on the “why”.

How to use the 1 page Client Scorecard

If you manage customers, you most likely have some type of business review cadence (quarterly, bi-annually, or annually)

During that time, you review projects, successes, areas to improve, roadmap and any upsell/renewal conversations.

Here’s how you can use the 1-page Client Scorecard to set up that meeting.

2 weeks prior to your business review, let them know you’ll be sharing a scorecard as a way to get feedback on the overall partnership.

Ask them to rate their experience and be brutally honest. (ask if they could return at least 3-4 days before you meet.)

When it’s meeting time, I’d suggest the “scorecard review” be one of the first things on the agenda.

Review the ratings and their experience.

Dig into the “why” and better understand their expectations.

Once you’ve listened to and understood their feedback - now it’s time to put a plan together to turn you from…

Flunking out to honor roll student.

At the bottom of each scorecard - there’s a link to a “mutual action plan”

This will take you to a Mutual Action Plan where you can develop a plan based on their feedback.

This plan and scorecard are meant to be shared so both you and the client can collaborate and track the progress of the plan that you both agreed on.

Review it frequently and make sure you’re moving in the right direction.

During your next business review - you should’ve made good progress in turning your client from a “frustrated detractor” to a “raving fan”

Raving Fans invest.

Detractors don’t.

Go build more raving fans.

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