Popcorn, Hooks, WB Shopping list

Saw Nate Bargatze last night. Hilarious. Highly recommend.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • How to use “Popcorn Credibility” to de-risk your buyer’s decision

  • 26 Hooks from top creators to grab your reader’s attention

  • The Whiteboard Shopping list for on-site meetings

Estimated reading time: 2 min. 11 seconds

Sales Tip

Popcorn Credibility

1/ Potential buyers are scared to death of the unknown

One way to help them de-risk the decision is to practice “popcorn credibility”

I first learned this method from Tom Freese in his book Question-Based Selling (a must-read)

It’s the ability to rattle off the names of customers, partners, media, etc., that work with your company in rapid succession (like the sound of popcorn popping)

Here’s how to practice:

  1. Make a list of 10-20 customers

  2. Set aside 5-10 minutes a day for the next week

  3. Practice recalling the names until they’re committed to memory

Once it becomes automatic, move on to practicing the names by specific vertical, or geographical location.

So the next time you’re talking with a SaaS prospect in Georgia - you can easily “pop off” 5-10 current clients that look like them.

Writing Tip


1/ Your hook is critical for any content you create

Some creators spend over 50% of their time just on the hook alone.

Hook: The first line(s) that grabs a reader’s attention and compels them to read the rest of your post.

If you’re new to this concept or just want some additional ideas for new hooks:

Visual Tip

The WB Travel Shopping List

1/ Take the Board With You

If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know I’m a big fan of using a whiteboard to communicate and simplify your message as a seller.

So much so, that when I travel for meetings - I bring the board with me.

Here’s The Travel Whiteboard Shopping list for under $100

I just stuff the tube into my backpack and I’m good to go.

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