Hearing crickets 🦗 with your emails? Try the PEASC ✌️ formula

This week, I’m going to teach you a super easy formula to use in your next sales email.

If you’re hearing crickets 🦗 with your emails - read on and give it a try.

Most reps spend a ton of time focusing on the perfect subject line…

(Which is important and if you want some ideas - go here PLUS I have another article coming out in a few weeks that will help.)


Killer subject line + sucky content = losing formula. 👎

So let’s change that.

Here’s what you’ll get in today’s issue:

  • A breakdown of the PEASC ✌️ email formula

  • The WHY behind how each step works

  • Examples of the PEASC ✌️ formula in action

  • Bonus - a little-known secret to increase replies

P - Problem/Pain

The first part of the formula is to call out the problem or pain. This can be a question or a statement. You want the reader to immediately think “yea, that does suck!”

Drop the pleasantries - go right to the “why” you’re emailing.

“The majority of VPs of Recruiting struggle with sourcing candidates fast enough”

“How annoying is it to chase down reps to update their forecast?”

“I love using SFDC! Said no sales rep ever.”

Why it works: If you’ve got your ideal client profile nailed, this will hit home.

E - Equation

The next step is a simple way to extend the problem with extreme brevity.

Instead of using a text-heavy paragraph to explain - use a simple equation.

“Talent shortage + unfilled jobs = lost revenue”

“Last minute updates + happy ears = missed forecasts”

“Low adoption + unhappy users = flight-risk employees”

Why it works: Write less. Say more. Brevity = superpower 🦸‍♂️

A - Agitate

Now that you got their attention, it’s time to “twist the knife” 🔪 by agitating the pain once more.

“To make things worse, the old ways no longer work”

“To add insult to injury, you’re becoming your worst nightmare - a micromanager”

“On top of that, without butts in seats, there’s no way you’ll hit target”

Why it works: This agitates the problem...

S - Solution

Next, you’ll want to give them some hope by offering a solution to help solve their problem. Share a quick tip, link them to a how-to, webinar, blog, whitepaper, etc.

“Here are 18 proven strategies to supercharge your sourcing that might help”

“Stop chasing reps. Here’s the easiest way to find risk, address it and never miss your number”

“Here’s how reps can spend 50% less time in Salesforce and more time selling”

Why it works: If you’ve nailed the problem and agitated it, they should be salivating 🤤 to want to learn how to solve it.

C - Call to Conversation

Rather than the traditional Call to Action (CTA) - I want a Call To Conversation. (CTC)

“Have you used any of these before?”

“Opposed to a quick call or should I lose your number?”

“Any interest or is hitting target not currently a priority?”

Why it works: Interest-based CTC’s have higher response rates 📈


But Keith, what about the “personalization?”

Yes, personalization is important.

So here’s a pro-tip - include the personalization as a P.S. and use it as another chance to CTC.

“P.S. Saw your post the other day about the business case template. Open to walk me through it?”

“P.S. Caught your last podcast. How on earth did you get Rick Astley to join?”

“P.S. Noticed you had a few open roles - cool with me sending you some referrals?”


  1. Start with a problem or pain

  2. Use a pain equation to extend the problem

  3. Twist the knife by agitating the problem once more

  4. Offer a solution to the problem

  5. End with a Call to Conversation (CTC)

  6. Add your “personalization” as a PS & add another CTC

Give it a go and let me know how it works. Hope it was helpful.

See ya next week. ✌️