✌️ How the Peak-End Rule Applies To Sales (And How To Use It To Your Advantage)

In this week’s issue - I’m going to go over a physiological heuristic known as the Peak-end rule and how it applies to sales.

If you want to become an elite seller, then studying and learning about human psychology should be a top priority.

Unfortunately, this is an area that most sellers either ignore or don’t realize how critical a role it plays in their success.

So let’s change. Here’s what you’ll get today:

  • A quick overview of the Peak-end rule

  • How the Peak-end rule applies to sales

  • Tips to Use the Peak-end rule to your advantage

*Don't forget to stay til the end to see who won last week's "button" game.

What is the Peak-end Rule?

The Peak-end rule is a psychological heuristic that changes the way we recall past events.

We remember a memory and judge an experience based on how we felt at the peak moments...as well as how we felt at the end.

Childbirth is a great example of this (to any woman reading this, you are stronger than I’ll ever be)

The positive ending of childbirth detracts from the overall negative or painful experience.

The memory is influenced by the peak emotions during AND at the end of birth. (to anyone that doesn’t have children, it’s an emotion like no other).

The Peak-end Rule in Sales

So how does the Peak-end rule apply to sales? Well since the rule can have both positive and negative effects let me give you an example of both.


Being in sales is often frustrating.

  • Getting ignored

  • Stressing about your pipeline

  • Losing more deals than you win

  • Jumping through hoops for buyers

  • etc. etc.

It can be a painful experience.

But much like the example above - when the “deal” is won - you tend to forget all the frustrating 💩...

Your memory is drawn to the peak experience you felt and the end.

The thrill of “winning” outweighs the negatives experienced throughout the process.


Here’s an example of how the Peak-end rule can negatively affect you in sales:

Prospecting can suck...

But - it’s required to maintain a healthy pipeline and ensure you hit your sales goals.

If you're constantly getting hung up on OR hit with objections...

These negative experiences can trigger the Peak-end rule and deter you from actually making the dials, which in turn causes a negative impact on your results.

So how can you flip the negative?

Tips to Using the Peak-end Rule to Your Advantage

Tip #1 - Don’t dwell on the negative peaks of a situation

Tip #2 - Reframe the negative memory to focus on what positive happened (ex: what can I learn from this?)

Tip #3 - Keep the end in mind. (Winning will erase the pain)

Tip #4 - End each negative experience on a high note.

Here are some examples of Tip #4

Get hung up on?

Send a thoughtful text to a spouse, family member, or friend.

Get an "UNSUBSCRIBE" email?

Go ahead and unsubscribe them and send this GIF.

By associating negative experiences with something positive - you use the power of the Peak-end rule to create more positive memories.

Which means - the negative no longer becomes so negative.

So give it a try. What do you have to lose?

The Button Game...No Winners This Week

Thanks to everyone who played along last week.

The final number of clicks was 20.

Bad news - No one guessed it right. (closest guess was Jim Hegerich with 11)

Good news - the pot doubled.

For any new readers - playing is simple. Reply to this email with how many times you think the button will be clicked. Guess right, win the prize - no one guesses right - it doubles for next week.

If you liked this article, share it with a friend. I drop one weekly. (check out others here.) ✌️