6 Low or No-Cost Sales Tools ⚒️ You Should Check Out Today...

6 Low or No-Cost Sales Tools ⚒️ You Should Check Out Today...

I've always been a fan of trying out new tools 🧰️...

And ya might say, I'm a sucker 😍 for a good ol' Chrome or email extension

Anything that keeps me more organized, productive, or gives me a perceived edge...I'm here for...

Now...there are tons of great tools ⚒️ and I can't cover them all.

But, I did put together a list of 6 low or no-cost tools I use daily...

In case you want to give them a gander 👀

In no particular order...except for this first one, because I just started using and it's 🔥🔥🔥

IMHO - this is a must-have for any SDR/BDR/AE/AM...

Actually...if you send emails📧...you should use it.

This tool does soooo much - I wouldn't do it justice here, so do yourself a favor and watch a demo here

Then get started for free...

I promise you'll be hooked. 🎣

This is another handy little email tool I've been using since like 2015...

I operate with an "inbox zero" mentality 🧠...

So I have mini panic attacks when there are more than 10 emails in my inbox 📥

And don't get me started when I see Donny Payne's inbox with like 3,500 unread messages...🤮

I mainly use it to automatically archive emails after I send them, then "boomerang" them back to my 📩 inbox if there's no reply (you pick the timing)

My rule of thumb 👍 is...

If it's in my inbox, the ball 🏀 is in my court.

This has more features (scheduling 1-off emails, meeting scheduling, etc) so go check ✅ it...and you can try it for free.

This one is a no-brainer. 🧠

This Chrome extension ensures your writing is mistake-free.

The biggest win 🏆 though?

Avoiding the cringe-worthy misuse of "your, you're, their, there..."

You're welcome. (see what I did there) 🤓

This is another handy little extension I've used for years.

Take screenshots 📷, annotate ✍️ on them, share, etc.

They also just added the ability to record your screen/video 🎥 as well. (think Loom, Vidyard...also great tools)

Add that bad boy to Chrome and give er a rip!

The older 👴 I get, the shorter my attention span is...anyone else?

My obsession with using 2x came while listening 🎧 to audiobooks on audible.

I now HAVE to watch/listen to everything at hyper speed.

Although most video players have speed control, there are some that don't and it would drive me crazy. 🤪

Not only does this allow you to speed control any video player, but it also allows you to go supersonic.

3x is the new 2x...

So go ahead and download this free extension and 3x your productivity.

6. Linkedin Sales Navigator

This one goes without saying...

If you're in sales and not using LI Sales Navigator 😲...well...

You should be.

And if you're like most...you're probably not using it as effectively as you could be.

But Keith, what about the cost 💰?

Invest...it will pay for itself in spades. ♠️♠️♠️

In need of some great LISN tips/tricks/training?

Go check out and invest in a #samshorts subscription from the awesome team at #samsales Consulting Samantha McKenna Paige Tills Sarah Carcone

You'll be happy you did. 😃

So there ya go ya cheapskates...

6 low or no-cost tools to help you take your game to another level.

What tools are you using that you can't live without?