✌️ LinkedIn is Pointless

I’ve heard this multiple times from sellers over the years.

Heck, I used to think it myself.

The reason?

Because I didn’t understand how to use it.

The Problem

Most people on LinkedIn fall into 1 of 3 buckets.

  1. Lurkers (The majority)

    Don’t post or comment, only scroll the feed

  2. Company Promoters (2nd place)

    Occasionally share company posts (webinars, whitepapers, job openings)

  3. Personal Brand Builders

    Highly active and consistent with posting & commenting

Because most fall into 1 & 2…

It’s no wonder why they think “LinkedIn is Pointless”.

They’re using it all wrong.

Instead, focus on bucket 3.

Your personal brand follows you long after you leave your current role.

It’s the combination of skills and experiences that make you unique.

It’s your differentiator in a competitive job market or industry.

If you’re not focused on #3, you’re losing to those who are.

The good news is that it’s never too late to start.

But I know what you’re thinking…

“I don’t know what to post?”

“What if no one likes my posts?”

“I’m still a beginner, I’m not an expert.”

“Nobody would want to learn from me.”

Everyone thinks they need to be an expert.

Although helpful, it’s 100% not required.

Your Attractive Character

I learned this next concept from marketing legend and ClickFunnels Founder Russel Brunson.

It’s 4 different identities you can assume while building your brand.

  1. The Leader

    Has the experience and expertise and can help you get from A to B.

  2. The Adventurer/Crusader

    They don’t have all the answers - but are learning in public by sharing it with their audience. (Ex. Sharing an email template or cold call scripts)

  3. The Reporter

    They seek out “Leaders” or interesting people, learn from or interview them, and share their findings with their audience.

  4. The Reluctant Hero

    Humble and doesn’t want to be in the limelight. They have valuable info, but they need to overcome their shyness in order to do so.

So stop thinking you need to be an expert.

Take on the identity of the Adventurer or Reporter.

Remove the excuses.


If you’re still not convinced - let me give you an example.

A few weeks ago I came across this post from an SDR from Gong.

This one little post - generated almost 600k impressions.

305 comments & 36 reposts.

and 25 meetings. (11 which are already qualified opps)

1 post.

That’s absolutely insane.

Do you know how many dials or emails that would take the average SDR?

And guess what else?

He’s been in tech sales for less than 2 years.

Has less than 3K followers (probably less before this post)

But he takes the approach of the “Adventurer/Crusader”.

He posts what he’s learning while building his personal brand.

Still think LinkedIn is pointless?

That’s all for this week.

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