The Only 4 Words You Need To Know To Handle Any Objection

handle any objection with ease.

The Only 4 Words You Need To Know To Handle Any Objection

In this week’s issue, I’m going to teach you the only 4 words you need to know to handle any objection with ease.

Objections are inevitable in sales. The better you get at navigating 🧭️ them, the better your results.

The challenge is that most salespeople don’t follow a framework so they just “wing it”, which leads to lost deals or big discounts.

This framework isn’t new or something I created. I learned it 15+ years ago and it’s still gold. 👑

Today, you’ll learn:

  • 4 words that will change the way you approach objections

  • A framework to understand the “real” objection

  • Examples of what 🚫 NOT to do

Word #1 - Listen

The first word to learn is “Listen”. 👂

Duh right? Did you know the average B2B sales rep consumes 65-75% of a call’s talk time speaking instead of listening? (Gong study of 25k+ sales calls)

We all “think” we’re great listeners, but the majority of us suck at it. (including me according to my wife.)

Listening not only shows interest and respect, but it’s also the first step in understanding the customer's concern.

The first time you’re hit with an objection:

🚫 Don’t try and “overcome it”.

🚫 Don’t interrupt before they finish.

✅ Just shut it and listen.

Pro Tip: If you’re thinking of your response or next question while the customer is still talking - you aren’t listening.

Word #2 Acknowledge

The next step is to “Acknowledge” by using a statement that either supports or restates their objection.

Buyers want to feel heard. Acknowledging their concern shows you listened and agree that what they said was important.

Here’s an example of everyone’s favorite objection.

“Your Price is Too High”

🚫 Examples of what NOT to say:

“Yea, we hear that a lot. but…..[insert why you’re worth it]”


“Yes, our price is high, but….[insert why you’re so great]”

✅ Instead, try this:

“I agree price is important…”


“It’s important for you to feel comfortable about the cost…”

Resist the urge to try and “overcome” the objection. Just acknowledge and move to the next step.

Word #3 Explore

Now it’s time to "Explore" or ask questions to get to the "real" objection.

Using the same example above:

🚫 What NOT to say:

“Yea, we hear that a lot as we’re the market leader. If I could shave 10% off, would that get it done?

✅ Instead, try this:

“I agree price is important. Since there are a few different parts to our pricing, what’s specifically causing heartburn?”

Then stop 🛑 and repeat steps 1 and 2. (Listen and Acknowledge)

The end goal is to isolate and get to the "real" objection so you can help them solve it.

Word #4 Respond

Only after you’ve isolated the "real" issue should you "Respond". And you may have to repeat steps 1-3 a few times before you’re ready to do so.

The issue where the rep jumped 🦘️ straight to a discount assumes they knew exactly what the buyer meant.

But they didn’t ask any questions to confirm:

  • Was it the recurring cost or the implementation?

  • Was it a specific component of the pricing?

  • Was it about the payment terms?

  • Etc., Etc.

By not understanding the real concern, you could be trying to solve the wrong problem.

So the next time you’re hit with an objection, don't panic. 😨

Just remember the ol' mnemonic device: LAER (Listen, Acknowledge, Explore, Respond)

Be Brief, Be Gone Version

  1. When you get an objection, shut it and listen

  2. Acknowledge the objection

  3. Explore the objection by asking questions

  4. Respond and solve the concern

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