✌️ Elite Sellers Swear By This Strategy

This week we’re going to cover a lesser-known “sales play” that elite sellers swear by.

It helps them skyrocket win rates and protect their most valuable asset…

Their time.

This is a rather advanced strategy and the majority of sellers are either:

  • Too afraid to try it

  • Don’t know how to deliver it correctly

So let’s dive in.

The Uno Reverse Card

I’ve dubbed the strategy the “Uno Reverse Card”.


Because the goal of the strategy is to reverse roles with your buyer.

Instead of YOU doing all the:

  • selling

  • qualifying

  • convincing

This strategy puts the buyer in this role.

It allows you to pull back.

And see if the buyer pulls you back in.

This strategy plays on the strong psychological pull of wanting what we can’t have.

Which is why it’s so effective.

When done correctly 1 of 2 things will happen.

  1. You’ll find out the deal isn’t really a deal and you can cut bait early

  2. They’ll actively try to “sell” you on why you should be in the deal

Both are extremely valuable.

Now that you have the concept of the play…

Let’s look at a few examples of “Uno Reverse Card” type questions.

Example Uno Reverse Questions

Now, if you just read these below examples word for word without using the right tone - then you’re going to crash and burn in spectacular fashion.

You must use a tone that comes across as inquisitive and naturally curious - not arrogant or combative.

This means you should slow down your pace, use strategic pauses, and use an upward inflection at the end of the question.

Let’s look at a few examples

Scenario: Buyer has no set timeline

Example Question:

Feels like this isn’t that urgent of a problem?”

Scenario: Long-time relationship with the current vendor

Example Question:

“Seems like the easiest option is to just stay with [competitor]?”

Scenario: Buyer mentions features as requirements you don’t have

Example Question:

“Sounds like [competitor] may be a better fit based on what you’re looking for?”

Scenario: Buyer says you’re the most expensive

Example Question:

“Sounds like we may not be a fit because of cost?”

Now these are only a few examples - however, you can turn almost any question into an “Uno Reverse Card” question by starting it off with:

Sounds like

Seems like

Feels like

And going for the “no” vs. going for the “yes”

Try it out and watch what happens.

They’ll either work to correct you and give you all the reasons why it’s not true.

Or they may agree and you can cut bait early and not waste precious cycle time.

Lose on purpose to win more often.

That’s it for this week - see ya next Saturday.

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