Steal This 4-Step Framework To CRUSH Your Next Sales Discovery Call

In this week’s issue, I’m going to break down a simple 4-Step Framework to help you run more effective sales discoveries.

We all know how critical the discovery 🔎 process is during the sales cycle. In fact, you can argue it’s where most deals are won or lost.

The problem most sales reps have is that they struggle to understand 🤷 what information is critical to uncover during the discovery process.

Here’s what you’ll get in today’s article:

✅ A 4-Step Framework to guide you in getting the right information

✅ Why NOT getting this information decreases win %

✅ Discovery framework worksheet you can steal

The One Big Thing (T.O.B.T.)

The first area you should seek to understand is learning your prospect's “One Big Thing?”

What’s the 1 thing that if they did, everything else would take care of itself?

Think of this as the big picture 🖼️, strategic vision.

Examples of this could be:

  • Increase top-line growth by 20% over the next 24 mo.

  • Reduce operating expenses by 10% over the next 3 years

  • Increase overall brand awareness

Pro-tip: If your prospect doesn’t believe you’re uniquely positioned to help them achieve their T.O.B.T. then you can kiss 💋 your deal goodbye.

The 3 P’s

Next, you need to learn what’s currently in the way by understanding the 3 P’s. (3 biggest problems) 😧

🤔 What problems or challenges are they trying to solve?

⏳ How long have they had them?

🔧 Why is it critical to fix them now?

⛔️ Have they tried solving before and failed? If so, what did they try and why did it fail?

The goal is to understand how big the problems actually are and the urgency to get them fixed.

Pro tip: No problems + No urgency = No deal.

Increase Your Questions IQ

Once you’ve identified the problems, next you’ll want to intensify the pain 😭 of those problems by increasing your questions IQ 🤓. (Impact & Quantify)

Who, what, and how do these problems impact the organization, and can these problems be quantified?

If you can help the prospect understand what it’s costing 💸 them by NOT solving these problems, it creates even more urgency to solve them.

Pro-tip: Finding problems = more deals in the pipeline. Understanding the financial impact = more closed-won deals. 💪

The Desired Solution

Finally, you’ll want to understand what the prospect feels they need to solve their 3 P’s and achieve T.O.B.T.

Sometimes your prospect may not know and look to you for help, however, most have done their research and have a good idea. 💡

Take them down and make 🧠 mental notes of how they align with your solution.

If they bring up items you can’t solve, look to either reframe the problem or qualify if you should still be in the deal.

Pro-tip: Pushing through ‘bad-fit’ prospects deeper into the sales funnel will only result in wasted time you could be spending with 'good-fit' prospects that have a higher chance of closing.


Now you should know your prospect's strategic vision, what’s standing in their way of achieving it, and their desired end-state. Steal the 4-step discovery framework here

With this information you should be able to:

⌚️ Determine if this is a qualified opp worth spending any more time on

😤 Put together a kick A$$ solution presentation

🥇 Articulate why you or your company are uniquely positioned to earn the business

See ya next week. ✌️