✌️ The 7-38-55 Rule for Sales: Why It Matters More Than You Think

This week we’re going to cover the 7-38-55 Rule and why it matters in sales.

Most sellers are unfamiliar with this “rule” and are missing a huge opportunity.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • What is the 7-38-55 Rule

  • Why it’s important

  • 6 tips to amplify its power

What is the 7-38-55 Rule?

The 7-38-55 Rule was based on a study done by Albert Mehrabian, a Professor of Psychology, who is well-known for his studies in both verbal and non-verbal communication.

This study was specific to the amount of emotion a listener felt relative to the communication they received.

Below were his findings...

7% of the emotion felt was based on the actual "words" that were used.

38% was how those words were delivered or the "tone" in which the words were communicated.

55% was based on the communicator's use of "body language"

  • Their posture

  • Their eye contact

  • Their hand movements

  • Their facial expressions

The use of effective body language was by far the most important factor in conveying a message that evoked an emotional response.

So Why Should You Care?

People buy on emotion.

So if you’re in a situation where you can AMPLIFY the emotions felt by your buyer, you should take advantage of it.

Most sellers focus way too much on “WHAT” words they should be saying vs. “HOW” they’re saying them or what their body language is conveying when they say them.

6 Tips to Help

1. Practice in front of a mirror

Pay attention to your posture, facial expressions, and hand movements.

2. Record all of your meetings

Then go back and actually watch them (Yes, I hate the sound of my recorded voice too.) You can also try this cringe-worthy but powerful exercise.

  1. Ask for Feedback

Ask someone to critique your recordings based on your tone and body language.

  1. Keep your camera on

At all times...

Even when the person on the other end has theirs off.

If you don't, you're missing a huge opportunity to leverage your body language.

  1.  Learn to use your hands.

People who are good at using their hands are often perceived as much more confident than those who don't.

  1.  Learn to use a Whiteboard!

Not only does it enable you to simplify complex concepts with simple drawings...

It also forces you to use more body language!

You're forced to have good posture.

You're forced to use your hands.

Our brains are wired to follow movement and adding another visual component to the 7-38-55 rule is like putting your communication skills on steroids.

Here are two resources to help.

#1 Simple Whiteboard Discovery Framework (3 pgs) you can start using immediately (whether you’re remote or in-person)

#2. Video of me with a whiteboard (lightboard) explaining the 7-38-55 Rule. (I’m so meta)

"Practice Makes Progress".

So, if you want to get better with your communication skills...

Make practicing your craft a habit.

Become obsessed with getting 1% better every single day.

That’s it for this week.

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