✌️ You Know These Right?

This week we’re going to review 5 psychology principles that all sellers should know.

Elite sellers understand and use psychology to their advantage.

The problem is that most sellers are clueless about the power psychology can play in their role as a seller.

So let’s break down 5 to help change that.

5 Psychology Principles All Sellers Should Know

  1. Curiosity Gap

If you want your prospects or clients to read your outreach and consider taking action - make them curious.

The idea here is to give enough information in your outreach to create interest, but not enough to satisfy their curiosity.

Tip: Tease a solution to a problem - “Any interest to learn the specifics?”

  1. Reciprocity

People feel a strong obligation to return favors after someone does a favor for them.

Give without asking for anything in return.

Tip: give a referral, share a relevant article/podcast, donate to a charity you know they support, etc.

  1. Social Proof

People tend to look and copy others when they don't know what to believe or what the "right" choice is.

Tip: Use the experience of your clients to help others see the benefits of your product.

“Are you opposed to talking to a few others that were in a similar spot as you - to hear it directly from a client vs. a salesperson?”

  1. Loss Aversion

Avoiding loss is 2x's more powerful than the reward of gain.

Most sellers focus on the additional ROI or benefits that a client will get. However, what your client stands to lose is way more powerful.

Tip: Focus on what they stand to lose vs. what they stand to gain

  1. Mere Exposure Effect

We tend to like things or people we see often.

Tip: Mix up your outreach medium (email, phone, social), engage with their content, post content yourself, attend the same conferences.

Be omnipresent.

Now these are only 5 of 100’s of psychology principles.

If you’ve never read:

Pick it up now.

This book opened up my eyes to the power of psychology in sales and I’ve become hooked ever since…

Trying to learn more about human psychology and what makes people do what they do.

Quick one for this week, but hope it was helpful.

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