4 Things I hate about being in sales

(the truth most won't admit)

In today’s issue

  • 4 Things I Hate About Being In Sales (the truth most won’t admit)

Estimated reading time: 2 min 51 seconds


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My new favorite newsletter (creative, educational, and entertaining) (link)

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4 things I hate about being in sales:

(The truth most won’t admit)

1. Work follows you like a shadow

Always being available - never ‘disconnecting’.

Work and personal lines become blurred - leading to burnout.

Even when you try - your mind never stops - because there’s always “more to do”

The best way I’ve learned to counter?

Build systems to manage your time, tasks, projects & goals.

Productivity course recommendation (link)

2. Constant Imposter Syndrome

Despite success - self-doubt is always there.

That little voice in your head that says:

“You’re just lucky”.

“You’re not that good.”

Let it motivate you. Prove yourself wrong. How?

Keep stacking skills and taking action.

Skill development course recommendation (link)

3. Nobody cares about last month

Sales is a “What have you done for me lately” career.

Constantly under pressure to perform.

The stress can be overwhelming.

If you don’t make physical health a daily priority - you’ll be eaten alive.

Move your body. Sweat. Do hard things.

It will make the work “hard” less hard.

Fitness follow recommendation for workout ideas (link)

4. The Stereotype

Oh, you’re in sales?

The first thought:

  • pushy

  • insincere

  • self-serving

Building trust based on that?

Not easy.

Defy the stereotype.

Play the long game.

Soon enough - the thought of you will be:

  • integrity

  • authenticity

  • transparency

Despite the above - I wouldn’t change a thing about the path that led me to sales.

It’s been life-changing.

“Sales done right” is unmatched.


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