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  • ✌️ Just finish a discovery? Here are 2 things I bet you’re not doing (that could 2x your win rates)

✌️ Just finish a discovery? Here are 2 things I bet you’re not doing (that could 2x your win rates)

In this week’s issue, I’m going to share 2 super-simple, yet powerful things that you can add to your discovery follow-up to increase your chances of winning more deals.

Something so easy -- that will help separate you from the competition and make you instantly more memorable.

Yet -- the sad part is that 80% of you will never even try it or even worse make excuses why it wouldn't work for you.

But this is for the 20%er’s. You’ll learn a simple follow-up strategy that will:

  • Instantly make you more memorable

  • Make multi-threading a breeze

  • Set the stage for a kick a$$ demo

  • Greatly increase your chances of winning

So let’s get started.

Disclaimer: This specific process is most applicable for deals with slightly longer sales cycles, however, you can 100% tailor or steal certain concepts to fit shorter cycles too.

Simple tip #1

You’ve just finished your discovery.

You’ve taken great notes and you just fired off your recap email.

There’s only 1 problem.

So did every other rep your prospect is talking to.

Don't be like every other rep.

Now is a perfect chance to differentiate yourself.


In addition to your recap email -- send each person you met during the discovery a handwritten thank-you note.

(grab some simple stationery like this or if you absolutely hate writing OR have a lot to send -- check out handwrytten.com which uses robots holding real pens! Oh and it can also integrate with your CRM, leverage templates, and help automate this process) 

Here’s a simple template:


Thanks for the time this week.

It was super helpful and we learned a lot.

Look forward to learning more and seeing you at our demo.

Thanks again,


P.S. - I’m going to give you a quick call before our demo. We'll have limited time and I don't want to miss anything that's important to you.

Why do this? 🤔

  1. Very few people send handwritten thank you’s anymore (like hardly anyone). Think about the last time you received one. Probably not that often right? You'll instantly stand out.

  2. They’re now expecting your call & because of the law of reciprocity (“If you do something nice for me I’ll do something nice for you. I feel obligated to reciprocate.”) , they're more likely to answer.

Simple Tip #2

Wait a few days after you’ve sent your handwritten thank you and then start calling.

I know what you’re thinking.

Wait, what if they didn’t get it yet?

It’s ok - the concept stays the same.

You - “[Prospect] - it’s [Your name] with [Company]. I know I probably caught you in the middle of something, but any chance you’ve got just a few minutes?”

Prospect - “Sure, what’s up”

You - “As you know, we’ve got a demo coming up and I don’t want to miss covering anything you were hoping to see specifically, so I figured I’d give you a quick call to make sure that doesn’t happen. Can I ask you a few quick questions”

Then ask questions around:

What’s most important for them to see and why?

What should you stay away from?

Any insight they can give you on what’s important to others?

Etc. etc.

Why do this 🤔

  1. It will help you learn if you're dealing with a coach, champion, influencer, or detractor.

  2. Avoid getting "stuck" at ONLY the Project lead level.

  3. You may learn about office politics you’ll need to navigate.

  4. You’ll ensure you cover what’s most important to each person in the buying committee.

  5. You’ll get 1:1 time with each buyer & sets the stage for future reach outs during the sales cycle.

(If they don’t answer - use that same script in a vm - followed-up with an email that says the same)

Don’t overcomplicate it.

This is not hard, nor groundbreaking. Yet most of your competition isn’t doing it.

Be the 20%.

Pro-tip: Call each individual buyer after the demo (learned what they liked, what they didn’t, anything you missed, what about the others? etc. etc. )


  • Send a handwritten note to each buyer after your discovery or automate with Handwrytten.com

  • Include a P.S. to let them know you plan on giving them a call pre-demo

  • Call your prospect to learn what’s most important, things to avoid, etc. etc.

  • Find your coaches, champions, influencers & detractors

  • Close more deals…

That’s all for this week. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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