✌️ How to Build Trust, Credibility, and Authority As A Seller with the 1X3 Method

In this week’s issue, I’m going to break down a simple daily exercise that you can do in under 10 minutes to help you build trust, credibility, and authority as a seller.

If you’re not seen as a credible expert in the products/services you offer AND the industries you serve - selling is going to be HARD AF.

The problem is most buyers don’t trust you. In fact, in a recent study, only 3% of buyers trusted sales reps. (ouch)

So let’s learn a daily exercise to help change that over time.

By the end of the article you’ll learn:

  • A simple daily exercise that WILL help you build trust, credibility, and authority with buyers

  • A FREE template you can download to help

  • A VIDEO of me walking thru how to use the template

Let’s go…

*Don't forget to stay til the end to see who won last week's "button" game.

An Introduction to the 1x3 Method

I’m not that smart, so I like to simplify things as much as possible.

So in my mind, there are 3 areas you should focus on sharpening daily.

They are what I believe will help you build the skills and knowledge necessary to become a trusted authority in your field.

They are:

  1. Knowledge about the Product/service you sell

  2. Knowledge about the Industry(s) you serve

  3. Knowledge about Selling

Kind of a no-brainer, right?

The problem is that most sellers don’t take a deliberate approach to learn and rather learn in “spurts”

  • At Sales Kick-Off

  • During Sales Boot Camp

  • At a company-led training

  • After joining an external webinar

This type of learning isn’t bad, however, if you want to be in the top %1 it ain’t going to cut it.

Instead - you need to make learning a daily habit.

In comes the 1X3 Method.

Where you commit to learning 1 thing about your Product, Industry, and Selling skills daily.

And you can do this in as little as 10 minutes a day.

So let’s get into some tactical ways to do this.

The 1X3 Workspace

First, you need a simple way to capture what you’re learning.

I prefer a digital workspace because it makes searching & retrieving a breeze.

Here’s a simple framework I built in Notion that I’ll share with you.

This will allow you to:

  • Add Your Learnings (what and how will you apply?)

  • Categorize (Product, Industry, Selling)

  • Add the Source of where you found it

  • Add Favorites

  • View in table, list and kan ban views.

This makes organizing and searching the information effortless.

Here’s a quick GIF of it in action.

Over time you’ll accumulate a massive database of knowledge.

These small habits will compound over time and set you apart from your peers.

Working on the 3 areas has helped me:

  1. Sell 10’s of millions of dollars in software and services

  2. Qualify for multiple President’s clubs

  3. Win awards like ROY, Seller of the Year, Leader of the Year, etc.

  4. Receive promotions

So if you’re goal is to separate from the pack - dedicate yourself to your craft.

As my friend Casey Jacox says “Stay Curious”

Two helpful resources:

  1. HERE’S A COPY OF THE NOTION TEMPLATE (you’ll need to “duplicate” to your own Notion. Don’t have Notion? Get it, it’s FREE and there’s a ton you can do with it)

  2. Here’s a quick video of me showing how to use it

The Button Game...No Winners This Week

Thanks to everyone who played along last week.

The final number of clicks was...

Bad news - No one guessed it right. (closest guess was Jaymes White with 17!)

Good news - the pot doubled.

For any new readers - playing is simple. Reply to this email with how many times you think the button below (Current Prize Pot Button) will be clicked.

Guess right, win the prize pot.

No one guesses right - it doubles for next week.

That’s all for this week. I hope you enjoyed it and that you’ll put the 1X3 method into action.

If you liked this article, share it with a friend. (check out others here.) ✌️