10 Email Subject Line Strategies To 10x Your Open Rates

10 Email Subject Line Strategies To 10x Your Open Rates

If you're in sales, you're probably always testing 🧪️ new strategies to help you get in front of more buyers...(or at least you should be)

One area that sellers are always testing is...

Email 📧 Subject Lines...

So I asked my network to share the most effective subject lines they’ve used, as well as emails that worked on them from sellers.

Then I compiled and named a list of 10 different cold 🥶️ email subject line strategies based on these responses—strategies guaranteed to boost your open rates and get you in front of more buyers!

1. S+P (Simple & Pertinent)

Subject line example: "Website Lead Conversions" OR "Killer Branding"

"If you are targeting a marketing persona, for example, send them an email with a 1-3 word subject line that directly relates to the job they are trying to accomplish. “Killer Branding” or “Website Lead Conversions”. It creates intrigue while leaving out the sales fluff that typically gets people ignored" - (VP of Sales of a SaaS company)

Why does it work? It's short, to the point, and relevant to the persona you're targeting. 🎯 Stop overcomplicating things.

2. The Reverse Psychologist

Subject line example: "It's probably not the right time, Jim"

"Anytime I can get their name in the subject line, I do...I do it 95% of the time. Using the above subject line, taps into the human nature of telling someone they don't want something." - (Senior Account Executive - SaaS company)

Why does it work? - We all want what we can't have right? Also, there's been studies 📋 that show increased ⬆️ open rates when using the buyer's name in your subject line.

3. The Hobby Finder

Subject line example: "+3.4 handicap not bad"

This creative seller likes to see what interests his prospects list on their social profiles. "I noticed that he listed "golf" as a hobby and that he played in college. I then went to the USGA handicap website and found their handicap and used that in my subject line." - (VP of Sales Enterprise SaaS Solutions)

Why does it work? People are really passionate 🥰️ about their hobbies and enjoy talking about them. (and don't even get me started on the love/hate relationship with golf 🏌)

4. The Frat Bro or Sorority Sis

Subject line example: "Chi Omega stomping the competition"

"I was having trouble getting the attention of this prospect until I saw she was a member of a sorority. After a quick google search, I found out the sorority just won a "stomp competition" the past weekend. I used the subject line, along with sharing the article to turn a cold email into a response and referral to her colleague running the project." - (Account Executive - SaaS company)

Why does it work? - Fraternity and Sorority members are extremely loyal to that community and typically stay involved through alumnae chapters long after leaving 🎓 college.

5. The Al Bundy

Subject line example: "Same John Doe that holds the TD passing record at ABC High?"

Anyone old enough to remember the sitcom "Married With Children" knows how often the main character, Al Bundy would reminisce about his glory days at Polk High where he scored 4 TDs 🏈 in a single game to win the city championship.

"I did a quick google search of the contact name and school listed on their LI and found out they held a TD passing record at their HS." - (Account Executive - SaaS Company)

Why does it work? - If you grew up playing sports, let's be honest, we all like to reminisce about the glory days. 🏆


Subject line example: "Only 32% of your competitors are doing this"

"I knew that we had a disruptive technology that was still new and wanted to create some FOMO 😨 and used this subject line to get a ton of responses." - (Account Executive - SaaS Company)

Why does it work? We all know was FOMO feels like. "Doing what? 🤷 What are my competitors doing? Am I doing it? Should I be?"

7. The Question

Subject line example: "Goes without saying?"

"Using questions in my email subject lines have always performed better than those that don't have a question" - (SDR - SaaS Company)

Why does it work? - Subject lines that have a question ❓ receive a 10% higher open rate than those that don't. - (Source - Yesware)

8. The Amazon Prime

Subject line example: "The 12 best sales strategies to 3x your pipeline this quarter"

"I sell to sales leaders. I try to provide valuable content to help them achieve outcomes that are relevant to their role. I also timebound the outcomes and call it out right in my subject line." - (SDR - SaaS Company)

Why does it work? - Not only does this subject line appeal to the buyer persona but it also teases the idea 💡 they can achieve the desired outcome within a short time frame. We all want results, and we want them fast. 🏃

9. The Horror Film Fan

Subject line example: "I know what you did last quarter"

Ok, this subject line immediately made me think of the 1997 Horror 😱 film "I Know What You Did Last Summer" hence the name of this strategy.

"I happened to talk with another contact who told me they implemented a new CRM last Q. This was a trigger due to the complementary value our tool provides. I figured the subject line would at least get opened...I was right." - (Account Executive - SaaS Company)

Why does it work? Ok, this subject line is a little creepy, but to be honest I kinda love it. 😂 Like, "um what did I do, and how does this person know about it? I better read this."

10. On This Day In History

Subject line example: "Put your pillow on a fridge day"

"It was May 29th...which is apparently a day to put a pillow on your fridge. I'll often just google random facts for that day for a goofy title" - (National Account Executive - SaaS Company)

Why does it work? Well, I'd have to guess this one works because it probably made the reader go, 🤔 "huh?", which produced the necessary curiosity to open and read. Curious to learn how this seller tied the SL to their unique selling points.

So there you have it.

10 different strategies to dramatically increase 📈 your chances of getting your emails 📧 opened.

So go and test 🧪️ them out...

Tailor them to your unique selling points and get some more conversations 🗣 with buyers.

Best of luck...💪