✌️ The 10 Numbers Every Seller Needs To Know

This week we’re going to review the 10 numbers every seller needs to know. (if you want to hit plan consistently)

Knowing them could be the difference between…

Sitting on the beach at President’s Club (where I’m at right now…)

Or sitting on the couch looking at pictures of your colleagues at President’s Club.

The problem most reps have is they don’t have a system to break down their numbers and create a roadmap or a “path to plan”.

So let’s change that.

By the end of this article you’ll learn:

  1. The 10 numbers every seller needs to know (and why)

  2. A simple template you can grab to map out your “path to plan”

The 10 Numbers

First, let’s quickly list the 10 numbers I believe are critical for every seller to know and understand. (and why)

  1. Quota

    • This is a no-brainer

  2. Average Order Value

    YOUR AOV will help you understand how many deals you’ll need to hit plan.

  3. Close Percentage

    We’ve all heard the saying “You MUST have at least 3x pipeline” - although not awful advice, if you’re an AM servicing current accounts and have a 70% close rate then 3x might be overkill. Know YOUR close %.

  4. Number of Opps Needed

    Based on your quota and AOV - you’ll now know how many opps you’ll actually need.

  5. Number of Current Opps

    Now that you know how many you need - knowing this number will help you understand your gap.

  6. Sum of Booked Opps

    Another no-brainer but every seller should know how much they’ve actually booked

  7. Bookings Needed

    It’s one thing to know how much you’ve already booked, but you should also know how much you still need to book to hit plan.

  8. Pipeline Needed

    Based on your AOV and Close % - you should also know how much pipeline you’ll need.

  9. Sum of Open Pipeline

    What is the total of your open pipeline - do you have enough?

  10. Pipeline Gap

    If you don’t, what’s the pipeline gap you need to make up?

Now I know what most of you are thinking right now…

“Ummm, that’s a lot to remember”

So I’ve made it easy for you, by creating a template you can use to help.

Let’s break down how to use it.

Path to Plan Template

First, the template is broken down into Annual and Quarterly Goals.

(If you work off monthly quotas - you can tweak it to accommodate)

Everything in a light grey box you’ll enter your numbers.

The boxes with no color will be automatically generated based on formulas.

Go ahead and complete a Quarter with your current numbers.

Doing so will allow you to:

  1. Have a clear plan on what’s needed.

  2. Not get overwhelmed by ONLY focusing on your quota.

  3. Understand where your coverage gaps are and what you need to close them.

*If there are certain numbers that you don’t know or you’re new (close %, AOV, etc.) Ask your Sales Ops team or Manager to get this data for you.

Now you have a plan…

Go execute.

P.S. The view of the beach is much better in person than on the couch.

See ya next week.

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