✌️ The 1 Thing You Should Be Doing

This week I’m going to share a daily habit all sellers should be doing. (That may be more critical for some than ever)

The selling environment is brutal right now.

Deal volume is down.

Sales cycles are longer…

And hitting quota is harder than ever.

Mediocre sellers are being displaced.

But - as tough as things are for you as a seller...

It’s equally as hard for your prospects and their business.

Rising interest rates, inflation, supply chain bottlenecks, recession concerns, etc., etc.

They’re feeling the pain as well.

And they have no patience for your pitch slapping.

However, there is one way to get on their radar.

And it’s how I’m seeing other top sellers continue to have success…despite current conditions.

And that’s what we’ll cover now.

The Industry Resource

These sellers have become students of the industry they serve.

And I’m not talking about the hour-long session you attended during sales bootcamp of your ICP’s “industry”.

No, these sellers understand that to have real credibility with buyers (especially in times of crisis) the best way is to become an expert in the industry they serve.

So much so - that customers will often come to them to learn:

  • What the seller is hearing & seeing in the market

  • What are the trends happening with others in their industry

  • What are their competitors doing (that they might not be)

The bad thing for you is - there isn’t a quick fix.

You’re not going to become an industry expert overnight.

The good news is the sooner you get started the quicker you’ll get there.

So let’s talk about how to get started.

Building A Daily Habit

I’ve found the best way to build this or any skill is to turn it into a daily habit.

In the case of becoming more knowledgeable in the industry you serve - here are 3 steps to help:

  1. Make a commitment

Commit to learning something new daily.

Also, If you’re not using a habit tracker - I’d highly suggest one. (Here’s an article I wrote where you can learn more)

  1. Make it easy

The next step is to make the information come to you.

  • Follow Industry thought leaders

  • Sign up for industry blogs

  • Set up Google alerts

  1. Make it enoyable

If you don’t enjoy doing it, you won’t be consistent.

How do I do it?

I get a daily email that has anywhere between 4-6 industry-related articles.

Because I know of the benefits that pictures have on memory retention - I spend the next 10-15 minutes taking visual notes.

Here are some examples:

Becoming more knowledgeable about the industry I serve has been a huge unlock.

If a buyer doesn’t believe you understand their industry…

They won’t believe you can solve their problems either.

Not having a solid foundation in this market?


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